
InsularAmerica.Com is devoted to unearthing, highlighting, and, ideally, reducing American Cultural Insularity in the Center (ACIC) — which refers to the fact that most Americans tend to watch, listen to, read only American American cultural media products produced in English. InsularAmerica.Com is also devoted to broadening the cultural and linguistic horizons of Americans so that they become more aware of, and consume more, cultural media products from outside of the United States and produced and written in languages other than English. In short, InsularAmerica.Com is dedicated to highlighting — and reducing  — Americans’ cultural insularity and to broadening their cultural and linguistic horizons.

Wole Soyinka.

“[The United States] is one of the most insular societies I’ve ever encountered anywhere. And I’m not talking just about ghetto kids. Professors . . . parents . . . legislators. It’s across the board. That is something you do not find to that extent in the rest of the world.”
— Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka